SUPER STAR svetske dizajn scene, umetnik koji je uspeo da materijalizuje naše snove kroz nestvarne prostore u kojima se stvarnost prepliće sa fantazijom & neodoljivo dizajnirane predmete koji odišu ljubavlju i srećom. Dame i gospodo MARCEL WANDERS – jedan od najvećih kreativnih umova našeg vremena!
Welcome to the FANTASTIC world of DESIGN with a MAN who live thrue his design & design is his lifestyle! Find out how his timeless pieces of art brings love & passion to our sometimes gray & boaring lives. Fabulous SUPER STAR designer, a life-poet who materialize our dreams trough fabulous objects and spaces of LOVE, happiness, fantasy & romance. Ladies & gentleman MARCEL WANDERS– one of the greatest creative minds of our time!
Savremeni madjioničar bez čarobnog štapića u savršeno ukrojenom crnom sakou sa širokim osmehom oživlljava nestvarne oblike & pretvara ih u jedinstvene predmete koji pretvaraju našu dosadnu svakodnevicu u živopisnu bajku punu radosti. On ‚‚živi ‚‚svoj dizajn & dizajn je njegov životni stil.
Like a modern magitian, with a gray hair in the black suit jacket, with a great passion & smile tell us stories & bring to life thousant of simple objects & stuff which will transform our boaring lifes to vivid fairytale full of joy & love.He live through his design & design is his lifestyle.
“Dizajn je stvarno lepa profesija. Daje vam mogućnost da razmišljate o novom svetu svaki dan. “
“Design is a really beautiful profession. It gives you an opportunity to think of a new world every day.“
Kao dečak neprestano je smišljao i pravio nešto od starih starih stvari koje bi pronašao na tavanu porodične kuće. Sadio je biljke u vrtu & sanjao da će jednog dana postati pejzažni arhitekta – ali kada je shvatio da će morati da nosi ružne gumene čizme – odustao je & postao svestan svoje ogromne LJUBAVI prema dizajnu…zauvek!
As a boy he created & making stuff from old things in the attic of his parents house. He was growing plants & dreamed of becoming a landscape architect – but when he realized that he have to wear ugly rubber BOOTS – he gave up becoming aware of his LOVE for design forever…!
Najnoviji projekat Marcel Wanders-a biće predrstavljen na ovogodišnjem Milan Design Week. Kreirao je jedinstveni koncept u okviru koga se dva različita sveta sudaraju & izdvajaju LG Hausys postavku ne samo kao prostor već kao jedinstven doživljaj! Inspirisan raznovrsnosti, dugotrajnosti I beskrajnim mogućnostima LG Hausys proizvodima, kreirao je fantastičan izložbeni prostor gde se racionalnost I emocija stapaju u umetničko delo u sjajnomod HI-MACS materijalu. Patern je na početku koncipiran na temu makro-kosmosa, slojevitog, oranamentalnog, beskonačnog svemira I mikro-kosmos sa svojim uredjenim sistemima I obrascima koji su utkani i u mikroskopski svet.
Latest work of Marcel Wanders will be presented on Milan Design Week 2015. He creates unique concept of two opposite worlds that makes LG Hausys stand not just a space – but the experience. Inspired by versatility, durability and endless possibilities of of LG Hausys’ products Marcel created fantastic exibition space where rational meets emotional and HI-MACS becomes piece of art. The pattern was originally conceived around the themes of macro-cosmos, the layered, ornamental vastness of the Universe, and micro-cosmos, with its ordered systems and patterns which can be found on a microscopic level.
“Želim da vas uverim da živiom u svetu koji je superfantastičan”
Men’s Vogue (UK)
“I want to make sure we live in a world which is superfantastic”
Men’s Vogue (UK)
Danas se šali na račun toga što, kada su ga izbacili sa Eindhoven Design Academy – znao je sa sigurnošću da će dizajn biti njegova profesija. Diplomirao je 1988. na ArtEZ Institute of the Arts u Arnhem. Kao nezavisni dizajner 1996. godine napravio je legendarni komad koja je postao ikona dizajna Knotted Chair – stolicu koja suštinski objašnjava dva najvažnija principa njegovog dizajna – TRAJNOST & VENVREMENSKU ESETETIKU – koje postiže upotrebom visoke tehnologije savremenih materijala i tradicionalne tehnike izrade.
He is joking now that after he was kicked out from Eindhoven Design Academy – he really knew that design will be his proffesion. He graduated cum laude from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (ArtEZ Institute of the Arts) in Arnhem in 1988. As inependent designer 1996. he created the famous iconic piece – Knotted Chair – the object that essentialy explains his two most important design principles – DURABLE & TIMELESS – by using a high tech material in old time technique.
“Želim da kreiram takve predmete koje ćete trčati da spasete ako vam kuća gori u plamenu. ”
FT How to Spend It
“I want to create that kind of things that if the house burns down you want to run and save. ”
FT How to Spend It
“Razlog zbog koga ljudi kupuju naše sofe nije zato što žele da sedena nečemu, već zato što vole sjajan dizajn koji ih podseća na ono što žele da postanu sutra. “
Design Milk
“The reson why people buy our sofas is not because they want to sit, they love design because it shows them who they want to be tomorrow. “
Design Milk
Negde izand duge – izmedju prošlosti & BUDUĆNOSTI stil & dizajn odiše velikim poštovanjem prema istoriji &tradiciji, a upotrebom inovativnih materijala I tehnika kreira vanvremenske komade koje prenose jaku emociju & ljudi ih jednostavno vole. Možete da osetite koliko puno on Marcel uživa u dizajnu samo ako bacite pogled na bilo koji od njegovih radova…
Somewhere over the rainbow – between past & FUTURE Marcels design reflects great respect for history & tradition on the innovative materials and techniques by creating timeless EMOTIONAL pieces that people will love. You can really feel how much he enjoy design just looking at it…
“Dobar dizajn slavi odnos izmedju stvaraoca & publike“
“Good design celebrates the relationship between the maker and the audience. “
Strastven, pozitivan & slobodnog uma Marcel veruje da je pravi izvor inspiracije u nama. Ključno je da se fokusiramo na sebe & svoj rad – on ne pokušava da bude najbolji, jer je to vam njegove kontrole…Samo želi da bude najbolji – koliko on sam može. Smatra da KREATIVNOST počinje sa otvorenim umom, voljom saslušate druge ljude, da promenite svoje mišljenje, da se povežete & komunicirate.
Passionate, positive & openmided he belives that the thrue source of inspiration is inside. The key is to focus on you & your work – he is not to trying to be the best, because the best is out of his control… He just want to be the best – he can be. He thinks that the CREATIVITY starts with openmindness, willingness to listen to others, to change your mind to connect & to communicate.
Ako vidite Marcel-a kako priča o svom radu, kao DIZAJNER, kao suvlasnik kompanije Mooi, kao kreativni direktor – on će vam dati snagu & nadu da se snovi uz VELIKI trud & LJ U B A V ipak ostvaruju.
If you see Marcel speaking about his work, as a D E S I G N E R , as a co-owner of Mooi, as a creative director – he will give you strenght & hope that the dreams with GREAT effort & L O V E still come true.
Marcel Wanders je dizajnirao fantastičan enterijer hotela Andaz Prinsengracht u Amsterdamu koji je ove godine na ‘’Trip Advisor Traveler’s Choice Awards 2015’’ izabran za ‘’Najbolji luksuzni hotel’’ u Holandiji – prepoznatljiv sofisticirani dizajn koji oslikava opuštenu prirodu ljudi i duh Amsterdama.
Marcel Wanders designed the fabulous interior of Andaz Prinsengracht Hotel in Amsterdam that wins Trip Advisor Traveler’s Choice Awards 2015 in the ‘Best Luxury Hotel’ in the Netherlands – sophisticated hotel design that reflects the relaxed nature of the people and the city in which it lives.
‘’Kakav funky & eleantan hotel. Usluga je savršena, atmosfera prosto hipnotiše, a sobe su pravo umetničko delo. Jednostavno očaravajuće!’’
Kometar gosta na Trip Advisor