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Njeni projekti su smeli vizionarski eksperimenti objekata u urbanom kontesktu. Ideje koje se bez kompromisa pretvaraju u nestvarne gradjevine. KRALJICA ARHITEKTURE, najmoćnija žena u muškoj profesiji koja je svojom jasnom VIZIJOM zauvek promenila sliku sveta neočekivano nas je napustila 31.marta 2016. godine. Arhitektura je bila njen život i njena najveća strast…
Ideas that without compromises transformes into unrealistic buildings. Her projects are daring visionary experimental objects in urban context.QUEEN of ARCHITECTURE, one of the most powerful woman in male profession whose clear VISION changed forever the landscape of the world has died sudden on 31. March 2016. Architecture was her life & her biggest passion…

Zaha sculpture

Rodjena je 1950 godine u Bagdadu i odrastala je u veoma edukovanoj islamskoj porodici orijentisanoj ka zapadnjačkom multikulturalizmu. Njen otac bio je jedan od vodećih članova, a ubrzo i lider liberalne iračke političke stranke. Crtački talenat nasledila je od majke. Zahino interesovanje za arhitekturu vuče korene iz njenih tinejdžerskih putovanja sa porodicom, obilazeci jug Iraka i mesto gde su ziveli Sumeri, jedna od najstarijih svetskih civilizacija. Njena vecita inspiracija  je taj  predivni prizor pejzaža u kojem se pesak, voda, trska, ptice, zgrade i ljudi na čudesan nacin prožimaju i teku zajedno. Vođena tom fantastičnom slikom iz detinjstva ona stalno iznova pokušava da otkrije, i osmisli arhitekturu i urbanističke oblike koji će učiniti sve to isto ali na jedan izuzetan, samo njoj svojstven prirodan i savremen način.

She was born in 1950 in Baghdad and grew up in a very educated Islamic family oriented toward Western multiculturalism. Her father was one of the leading members, and soon the leader of the liberal Iraqi political parties. Drawing talent inherited from his mother. Zahas interest in architecture has its roots in her teenage traveling with her family, touring the south of Iraq and the place where Sumerians lived, one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Her eternal inspiration is the beauty of the scenery in which sand, water, reeds, birds, buildings and people miraculously inosculate and flow together. Guided by this fantastic picture of a childhood she tries again and again to discover and design the architecture and urban form that will make it all the same but in a remarkable, only her own natural and modern way.


Svojom intelektualnom čvrstinom uspela je da se znacajno uzdigne iznad okolnosti predodredjenih mestom rodjenja ali i da se istakne u svetu savremene arhitekure. Dugi niz godina, njeni radovi i dizajn punili su stranice arhitektonskih časopisa, međutim isto tako su bili i ODBACIVANI  kao nepraktični ili previše radikalni.

Her intellectual strength has managed to significantly rise above the circumstances of the destined place of birth but also to stand out in the world of contemporary architecture. For many years, her works are full of design and architectural magazine’s website, but  in the same time were also DISMISSED as impractical or too radical.


Mali broj izvedenih objekata i jaka kritika koju je 1995 godine pretrpela u svojoj usvojenoj domovini Britaniji dovode je do razmišljanja da čak i odustane od arhitekture.
A small number of realized projects and strong criticism he suffered in 1995 in his adopted homeland of Britain lead to thinking that even give up the architecture.


[lang_en]Fortunately, everything is reversed when among the strong competition her project of the Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, Ohio USA  chosen to be built.[/lang_en]

[lang_en]Since then, one of the most popular and interesting world of Architects – WOMAN![/lang_en]

[lang_sr]Na sreću, sve se preokrenulo kada je medju jakom konkurencijom bas njen projekat za Centra Savremene Umetnosti u Sinsinatiju, Ohajo USA izabran da se izvede.[/lang_sr]

[lang_sr]Od tada je jedna od najpopularnijih i najzanimljivijih svetskih arhitekata – ŽENA![/lang_sr]


[lang_en]Her indefatigable character and creative spirit beside timeless architecture is constantly harder to spread to other spheres of art and design in addition to fanciful objects, interior, ships …[/lang_en]
[lang_en]Zaha creates unique pieces of furniture, decorative and practical items for the house, bags, shoes, jewelry …[/lang_en]
[lang_sr]Njen neumoran karakter i stvaralački duh pored vanvremenske arhitekture neprestano teže da se šire prema drugim sferama dizajna i umetnosti pored nestvarnih objekta, enterijera, brodova…[/lang_sr]
[lang_sr]Zaha kreira jedinstvene komade namestaja, ukrasne i upotrebne predmete za kuću, torbe, obuću, nakit…[/lang_sr]


[lang_en]*Iterior Design Roca London Gallery by Zaha Hadid Architects[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]*Dizajn enterijera Roca London Gallery by Zaha Hadid Architects[/lang_sr]

Zaha superyacht

[lang_en]*Superyacht design for Blohm+Voss[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]*Superyacht design za Blohm+Voss[/lang_sr]


[lang_en]*Futuristic designed rubber sandals for brand ‚‚Melissa‚‚[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]*Futuristicki dizajnirane gumene sadale za brend ‚‚Melissa‚‚[/lang_sr] 


[lang_en]*Lamp ‚‚Genesy‚‚ designed by Zaha Hadid for Artemide[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]*Svetiljka ‚‚Genesy‚‚ koju je Zaha kreirala za Artemide[/lang_sr]

[lang_en]In November 2010, Zaha wallpaper designs four collections of famous Swedish company Marburg, which already has more than century-long experience in creating and discovering new technologies in the development of wallpaper.[/lang_en]
[lang_sr]U novembru 2010. godine Zaha dizajnira četiri kolekcije tapeta za čuvenu švedsku kompaniju Marburg koja ima već više od jednovekovnog iskustva u kreiranju i otkrivanju novih tehnologija u izradi zidnih tapeta.[/lang_sr]

[lang_en]‚‚Art borders‚‚ by Zaha Hadid  are digital prints by 9.00 m wide and 3.30 m high, which seem to multiply, compress and raise the energy in the room. Specific drawings without a clear beginning and end of dematerialized walls in an endless canvas. The main characteristics of the design are dynamic lines and  expressive, organic shapes that create a sense of depth through the interaction of of the shimmering metallic effect on the light pale surface.[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]“Umetničke bordure” Zahe Hadid predstavljaju digitalne printove do 9.00 m širine i 3.30 m visine, koji izgledaju kao da se umnožavaju, kompresuju i podižu energiju u prostoriji. Specifični crteži, bez jasnog početka i kraja dematerijalizuju zidove u beskrajna platna. Karakteristike su dinamične linije, ali i izražajni, organski oblici koji stvaraju osećaj dubine kroz interakciju treperavog metalnog efekta sa mat bledičastom podlogom.[/lang_sr]

 Zaha Marbourg Stria

[lang_en]* S T R I A *  / striated wavy effect coming out of the wall /colours : silver & black, with plenty of gray and silver  shades/[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]* S T R I A *  / efekat izbrazdanih talasastih traka koje izlaze iz zida / spektar boja : srebrna i crna, i brojne nijanse sive i srebrne/[/lang_sr]

Zaha Marbourg Elastika

[lang_en]* E L A S T I K A * / layered and very tight composition infinite spaciousness / available in single layered or multi-layered version / color spectrum: the overflow of purple tones, combined with silver, matte black and gray, pearl white on white, with a overflow of copper and metallic shades of dark green forest /[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]* E L A S T I K A * / slojevita i veoma zategnuta kompozicija beskonačne prostornosti / dostupna u jednoslojnoj ili višestruko slojevitoj verziji / spektar boja: prelivanje ljubičastih tonova, u kombinaciji sa srebrnom, mat crnom i sivom, sedef belom na belom, uz preliv bakarne i metalik nijanse tamno zelene šume /[/lang_sr]

Zaha Marbourg Cellular

[lang_en]* C E L L U L A R */ cell structure composed of an infinite grid of protuberance and depressions that makes the surface of the wall like relief / appropriate repetitions creates the form of a screen or polished pebbles / range of colors: cool white, black and silver /[/lang_en]

[lang_sr]* C E L L U L A R */ ćelijska struktura sastavljena od beskonačne rešetke, od ispupčenja i udubljenja koje čine površinu zida reljefnom / odgovarajućim ponavljanjima stvara se oblik rešetke ili poliranog šljunka / spektar boja : hladno bela, crna i srebrna/[/lang_sr]

Zaha Marbourg Swirl

* S W I R L * / kretanje kroz beskrajni kovitlac, spajanje i tkanje / spektar boja : toplo crvene, hladno srebrno-sive, sa prelivima petrolej nijansi /
* S W I R L * / move through endless swirl, merging and weaving / range of colors: red hot, cold silver-gray with iridescent shades of petroleum /

   “Postoji 360 stepeni, zašto se onda držati samo jednog ?!“

                                                                                                                   Zaha HADID

“There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?!“

                                                                                                                    Zaha HADID

sources: Interiii, Domus, Marburg, Melissa, Artemide, Blohm+Voss

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